Friday, August 21, 2020

College Application Essay Topics That Are Just Plain Cool

College Application Essay Topics That Are Just Plain CoolCollege application essays are getting more complex. Today, students are not writing the same type of essay they did just a few years ago. The traditional formats for college application essays are no longer the norm.Today, the format of college application essays is not just the subject of debate, but the topic as well. There are many professional writers who are using creative essay topics to gain the attention and influence in the college application process. They are using essay topics to not only make the best impression possible, but to also give their students an edge on the competition.College application essays should be well written, concise and engaging. Your personal statement will not be judged on the number of words you use, but how your speech is delivered. Today's writing professionals understand this point and know that to be heard through this medium is paramount. This essay topic idea helps to create an impre ssive and concise message.Writing professionals have come up with many ways to deliver this idea. As a matter of fact, most college writing courses begin with these ideas before moving on to more elaborate topics. After this initial introduction, students are able to use the basics and get to the more unique and thoughtful ideas.A two or three paragraph essay can be turned into a very different topic and take a completely different form. For example, one of the more popular essay topics is about being a college student. Students then share their personal experience as students who feel like they belong on campus.An extensive reading assignment in a class can help students to provide some interesting information to tell a good story in their college application essay. The college writing samples are always full of ideas for these topics. They come from college education professionals who know their way around the classroom.Students should also be encouraged to write their own college application essay. By doing so, they will learn all about their interests and their passion. This is an invaluable resource for them to turn to when they need to see if they are really capable of doing something.These essay topics do not need to be complicated. In fact, students should not look to professional writers to help them. If they know how to use the new material, they should be able to write their own essay with ease. The basics of modern writing are useful here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ways to Improve Your Self-Awareness

Ways to Improve Your Self-Awareness © | PlusONEIn this article, you are going to learn about 1) an introduction to being self-aware, 2) the importance of self-awareness, 3) how the Johari Window works, and 4) how to improve your self-awareness.INTRODUCTION TO BEING SELF-AWAREThey say that, before knowing anything else, you have to know who you are first â€" your strengths, your weaknesses, your desires and motivations, your personal beliefs and perceptions. You have to be in touch with your emotions. In other words, you have to be self-aware.You have to have the capacity for introspection.The concept of self-awareness, or self-knowledge, is quite old although largely ignored.Today, world leaders, business executives, managers and pretty much anyone in positions of power are cognizant of the importance of being self-aware.Emotional intelligence has become a very important facet of an individual’s personality. Even when looking for a job, for example, employers no longer rely solely on documents that serve as proof of one’s intelligence and proficiency, as well as the level of his skills and expertise. They also take the person’s emotional intelligence in consideration, and one of the aspects of emotional intelligence is self-awareness.Often, we find the concept of self-awareness confusing. Our limited view makes us think that it is simply about knowing who we are, what we have and what we lack. But it is actually much broader than that.The self-aware person is someone:Who knows what he is good at, and what he lacksWho acknowledges that he still has much to learnWho readily admits that he does not know the answer or that he does not have the solutionWho owns up to his mistakes, accepting that something is due to his fault or shortcomings, and makes apologies for themWho actually listens during conversations and asks the right and necessary questionsWho think before acting, considering how their actions will affect othersWho are aware of other people’s social cues and are a ble to “read the atmosphere”Being self-aware is not something that is limited only to business people or professionals in their work settings. It is a quality that all human beings should possess.Watch this video and think about those important questions: Who am I with? What am I doing? Where am I doing this? THE IMPORTANCE OF SELF-AWARENESS“Know thyself” is a phrase that you have probably heard one too many times before, and you probably even think that you do know yourself.However, once you start looking deeper, you are surprised at the things that you discover. You might even think, at one point, whether that person you are looking at, is really you. If you get to that point, you have to give yourself a pat on the back. It means you are starting to become self-aware.Why is it so important to become self-aware? What will we get out of it? Would it not be enough for us to have a vague idea of who we are, what we want, and what we feel, and start from there? After all, isn†™t life supposed to be one long journey of discovery? So it should be okay to be a bit unaware, shouldn’t it?Well, there is a bit of truth in that, but the journey has already started, and if you are on already walking that path, you might as well get started on working on your self-awareness.So let us identify the reasons why self-awareness is very important.For self-improvement: Self-improvement is considered to the main purpose of introspection. One cannot know that there is something within them that needs to be changed unless they recognize what is wrong or lacking with them and, for that, there is a need for introspection. When you are self-aware, you know and understand your own failings, weaknesses, and flaws. Once you know what they are, you can get to work in correcting and improving them.For establishment of your identity and individuality: Many people go through life not really entirely sure about their goals, much less their desires and short-term objectives. So they often find themselves caught in moments of indecision, and they end up not moving forward at all. They do not know who they are, so how can they expect to go anywhere? If you know who you are and you are clear on your identity, you will have more confidence â€" in making important choices and decisions, in your actions and in the conduct of your relationships with other people. You are able to identify what your areas of strengths are, so you know how to build on them. You will feel more empowered to make changes because you clearly know what aspects of yourself you would like to improve on. Ultimately, this will enable you to enjoy your uniqueness as an individual.For goal setting: Becoming self-aware is your first step towards mastering your life. You will be able to create what you want precisely because you KNOW what you want. Your self-awareness will give you the guidance that you need and point you to the right direction. Since you are in control of your emotions, you will kno w where to focus your thoughts, emotions, and efforts. You can set your goals, and go about achieving them, one by one.For harmonious relationships: Whether personal or professional, relationships take a lot of work, and they are vulnerable to emotional turmoil and upheaval. If you are in control of your emotions, you can also have control on how your relationships go. Getting a handle on relationships is a trait of a self-aware individual, because it means that they can easily adapt to an environment where they have to interact with other people.Leaders, in particular, are expected to have high levels of self-awareness, because one simply cannot lead without it. Being self-aware lends a sense of purpose and authenticity to a leader, and gives them the ability to be more open and the willingness to trust. This way, they are in the best position to maintain balance within the organization that they lead.Learn more about the impact of self-awareness on leadership styles.[slideshare id =40610299doc=herseymob10imch11-141022152834-conversion-gate01type=dw=640h=330]APPLICATION OF THE JOHARI WINDOW IN SELF-AWARENESSWe cannot talk about self-awareness without touching on the Johari Window, a tool that is popular for use in understanding relationships with oneself and with others. It is considered to be a very useful tool for the analysis of self-awareness so as to improve on it.The Johari Window has four regions or areas, representing the Self.Open Area â€" what a person knows about himself that is also known by other people. This is the part that is considered an open book. Everyone, especially you, knows about it. Of course, there may be differences in how you view yourself and how others see you, but the point is that you are aware of it, and so are the others.Blind Area â€" what a person does not know about himself, but is known by other people. There are things that others see in you, but you are completely unaware of. For example, some people may view you as some one who is arrogant or full of yourself, when you think that you are simply confident. Or they may think that you have the potential to be a good leader if you only try, while stepping up to lead is a concept that sounds very alien and scary to you.Hidden Area â€" what a person knows about himself, but is not known by others. These are the parts that you keep private, and refuse to show to others, for reasons that may be known only to you.There are people who claim to be leading “double lives”, where they show one side to others, but are keeping an aspect of themselves hidden from view.Unknown Area â€" what a person does not know about himself, that is also unknown by others. This is the part of yourself that no one knows about, least of all you. When they are tapped into or unleashed, you will be surprising both yourself and the people around you.Groups of individuals, employees and managers are often made to accomplish the Johari Window so they can get an idea of their levels of self-awareness. This has also become widely used in corporate settings, with the purpose of improving employees’ personal development, improvement of their communication skills, interpersonal relationships and teamwork or group dynamics.HOW TO IMPROVE SELF-AWARENESSDespite the large number of self-help books that supposedly teach you how to develop self-awareness, it is a reality that becoming self-aware is not something that one can learn in a formal setting, or simply from reading one or two books on the topic from cover to cover.Development of self-awareness takes time and a lot of effort on the part of the person trying to develop it. It requires a lot of practice, and the person has to pay a lot of attention on his own personality and behavior, and how it relates to external forces and factors.This is how you improve your self-awareness. Recognize your Strengths and WeaknessesTake a good, long look at yourself and identify the traits or characteristics that you think are y our strengths.Now look at the habits that you deem to be your weaknesses.Along with this, you also have to know what your priorities and plans are. What are the things that are important to you? What are those that take precedence above the others?Observe: Never underestimate the power of observation. Of course, you should start from observing yourself. How do you act under certain situations? How do you react to others in a specific circumstance? Then turn your observant eye outward. How do other people react to you? How they react to you will tell you a lot about yourself. For example, if you notice people acting warily around you, it may be because you give off the impression that you are easily provoked. If your subordinates rarely talk when you are around when they are chatterboxes when you are out of the room, it must mean that they have trouble interacting with you because you give them the impression that you are difficult to talk to.Write them down: It never hurts to keep a record. Keeping a journal is a great way of keeping a record of your journey towards improving your self-awareness. Writing your thoughts, emotions, and feelings is a good outlet; at the same time, it serves as an excellent source material or reference. Read what you have written, and you may discover something about yourself.Try new experiences: Sampling new things will teach you a thing or two about yourself. This is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something that you have never tried before. Because things are unfamiliar, you are bound to respond in new and different ways that you never thought possible. Travelling is also another way to discover things about yourself. You may not have known before that you have a penchant for learning new languages until you started travelling to new places. You may also discover that you have an untapped interest in history and culture.Take tests: There are several psychometric tests that you can try taking in order to as sess your level of self-awareness. The results will then tell you whether you need to make changes, and in what areas you should make them in. Some examples of these tests are the Myers-Briggs and the Predictive Index. One of the reasons that people shy away from these types of tests is because (a) they deem them to be a waste of time; (b) the results are not conclusive and, therefore, cannot be entirely trusted; and (c) they are afraid that they may not like the results.Anything that will help you improve your personality and self-awareness is not a waste of time.This is especially true if you are planning to improve your self-awareness; you will need all the help you can get. You also have to keep in mind that, in these tests, there are no definitive right or wrong answers. They are simply used to arrive at an assessment of your personality.As for the third reason, well, tough. If you go into this with preconceived notions of what the results are and you are not open to these noti ons being proven wrong, then it is clear that you are yet far from being self-aware.Listen to your Inner VoiceThere are several suggested ways to go about this.Meditate: This can be as simple as inhaling and exhaling, focusing on one’s breathing, or as elaborate as dimming the lights in the room, closing all the windows, lighting candles and scents, sitting down and closing your eyes, and reflecting deeply. The method of meditating will mostly depend on the person, on what he is most comfortable in and what works best. There are even people who view routine chores as part of their meditative process. It is easier for them to be in a reflective mood when they are, say, writing poetry, dancing, painting, or taking the dog on a walk.Yoga and tai chi: If you are healthy in both mind and body, you have a greater chance at improving your self-awareness. Both are disciplines that will help improve your outlook and your health at the same time. Obtain FeedbackActively ask family and frien ds: If you are curious how others perceive you, then go right ahead and ask them. Pick the family members and friends whom you trust will give you an honest and unbiased answer. Ask them what they truly think of you and your actions, and be gracious about it. You have to be careful how you ask them, though. Saying “tell me what you honestly think of me, but you have to be careful, or our friendship is over” is definitely going to go down the wrong way with your friends. Ask them to be straight with you, and that you will not take it against them, whatever their answer is. Whatever they tell you, you have to carefully take into consideration. Even if you initially do not agree and would actually like to protest to what they are saying, you should not immediately react negatively. Sit down and think carefully: Why did they say such things? Is there truth to their observations?Get regular feedback at work: You are lucky if you work in a company that has an effective formal feedback process for your evaluation. You can use the results to better assess your own strengths and weaknesses, and how they relate to your personal and professional growth and development.Undergo coaching: Coaching is highly encouraged, especially in corporate settings, to help employees increase their self-awareness. When an opportunity presents itself to undergo coaching by an external party, grab it. Through coaching, you will also receive feedback from the coaches that you can use to change or improve your perspective.Listen: This is probably one of the more crucial steps. When you are being given feedback, listen. You may find it difficult at first to accept what they are saying, especially if they are criticisms, and your first impulse may be to close your ears and say that they do not know what they are talking about. However, you should listen to what they have to say.Self-awareness is now one of the most important traits that every individual â€" not just employees and leaders â €" must possess in order to succeed in life. It is never too late to get started. We all have the capacity for self-awareness. We just have to improve on it, so it can take use where we want to go.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay on Edvard Munch - 1542 Words

The art world has a limitless array of mediums and different artistic periods, challenging the opinion of what should be accepted by the masses. Expressionism is the art of the emotive, the art of tension provoked by consciousness of the forces which surround modern humankind. Challenging the academic traditions of the previous centuries, Edvard Munch impacted the art world as an instrumental leader in the development of modern German expressionism. His painting The Scream has made its mark in questioning the ideals of what is acceptable concerning the history of art. The paper will discuss Munch’s life history, uncovering the influences which led him to expressionism, as well as a detailed description and analysis of The Scream,†¦show more content†¦Before turning twenty he participated in his first exhibition called the Industries and Arts Exhibition. In 1892 he participated in another exhibition in Berlin. Munch created a series of paintings titled, The Frieze of Life, which caused enormous shock within the art world to the point that it had to be shut down. Images were thought to be terrifying and threatening. He had so many feelings that he wanted to unleash upon the canvas and no one understood his pain. Munch’s paintings played a big role in the rise of modern German expressionism, as he joined the Blue Rider and Dresden groups. The blue rider was a group of artists, established in Munich, Germany, that expressed themselves through spiritual truths in their art. Around the turn of the century many artists were trying to lay the foundation for modern art. In the 1880’s and 1890’s Art Nouveau, an international style of decoration and architecture urbanized. New developments also included, Post Impressionism, which â€Å"rejected the objective naturalism of impressionism and used form and color in more personally expressive ways.† At the time Romanticism, a growing artistic movement, was popular to artists like Runge, Goya, Blake and Friedrick, all who inspired Munch during the various stages of his artistic life. However, when compared to other artists of the time, Munch was new and ingenious. Able too courageously and dispassionately â€Å"reveal his innermost secrets of his own life,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Edvard Munch1385 Words   |  6 PagesEdvard Munch is regarded as the pioneer of the Expressionist movement in modern painting. At an early stage Munch was recognised in Germany and central Europe as one of the c reators of a new and different movement of art, that helped artists to express their feelings about all the social change that was happening around them. Munch was born in 1863, and before long he had come to know the intensity of emotional pain. His father was a doctor who often bought patients to the Munch home. His motherRead MoreThe Scream, By Edvard Munch Essay1680 Words   |  7 PagesSCREAM! â€Å"The Scream† by Edvard Munch has been a very famous portrait known throughout the world ever since it was created in 1893. This portrait is of a man who is screaming as he is in a potentially disastrous situation. Although he faces disaster, beauty can still be found in the life that he is has lived or is currently living. On the other hand, Alice Walker also shares a story of her disaster in â€Å"Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self.† Walker got her eye shout out by a BB gun and it changedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Edvard Munch 1052 Words   |  5 PagesEdvard Munch is an artist that has been traumatized and haunted by death throughout his entire life. His works of art are both terrifying and mesmerizing. In t he film Edvard Munch, director Peter Watkins does an excellent job at showing the life of Munch as if it was Munch telling his life. The film is a mixture of documentary and a drama about Munch’s life, and how his torments were reflected in his art. The film has a very grey and cold tone throughout its run. It definitely helps set the moodRead More Critical Analysis on The Scream by Edvard Munch Essay1608 Words   |  7 PagesCritical Analysis on The Scream by Edvard Munch Edvard Munch was born on December 12 1863 in Loten Norway. He moved to Christiana, and spent most of his childhood there. Both his mother and his oldest sister suffered from tuberculosis and died before he reached the age of 14. At 18 he became more serious about his art and started attending art school. Edvard finally found a release for the pain he felt from his sister’s death. In 1886 he painted â€Å"The Sick Child†.Read MoreAnalysis Of Edvard Munch And The Scream1060 Words   |  5 Pages Edvard Munch The Scream Alex Torres Mr. Vigrass Class 604 Fine Arts Alex Torres Fine Art The Mott Hall School Class 604 Edvard Munch The Scream Edvard Munch (12 December 1863 - 23 January 1944) was a Norwegian painter and printmaker who many art based upon psychological concepts that were based on Symbolism of the 19th centuryRead MoreHow Did Edvard Munch Attempt to Visualize Intense Emotion in his Paintings?1049 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion 1: How did Edvard Munch attempt to visualize intense emotion in his paintings? Discuss in relation to particular paintings. Edvard Munch is a highly influential artist, pioneering many of the ideas that informed the German Expressionist movement. The crux of his work is in the reflection the death, grief and emotion of his own experiences. Drawing from his own tortured upbringing, with the death of his father, brother and sister, as well as his own mental and physical illnesses. ThereRead More Critical Analysis of Edvard Munchs The Scream Essay1404 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Analysis of Edvard Munchs The Scream The Scream, sometimes known as The Cry was painted by Edvard Munch in 1893. Some say Munch played a role in the development of German Expressionism, though the Norwegian painter turned down two offers to join the group, and preferred not to be classified, or put into a category. This painting was part of Munchs The Frieze of Life, a series of paintings each portraying a phase of life - as defined by Munch: Birth of Love, BlossomingRead More Pictures Show Emotion Better than Words Essay936 Words   |  4 PagesWorth,† Erasmus is quoted as saying, â€Å"Painting is much more eloquent than speech, and often penetrates more deeply into one’s heart† (473). Two online paintings that are examples of this are Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh, and The Scream by Edvard Munch. Both paintings are very well known and both evoke strong but different emotions. Paintings like these have been described with words over and over again, but they can only be fully experienced by seeing the paintings themselves. Words aloneRead More Edvard Munch: A Biography Essay examples709 Words   |  3 Pages Edvard Munch: A Biography Edvard Munch is regarded as a pioneer in the Expressionist movement in modern painting. At an early stage Munch was recognized in Germany and central Europe as one of the creators of a new movement in art. Munch and many artists of the time needed to express their feelings about all the change that was happening around. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Edvard Munch was born in Norway in 1863; he knew how a persons emotional pain feels. He was the son of an Army Medical CorpRead MoreCorrelations between Creativity and Mental Illness Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pageswith great creative art. As many instances of great artists who suffered of painful mental illness show (from the novelist Virginia Woolf, to the poets Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and Robert Lowell, to the great painters Vincent Van Gogh and Edward Munch), great art also requires patience, dedication, and constant self-control in order to organize creative material in a coherent fashion. Creativity is one of the most valued human traits. It has given human beings the ability to change

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Short Story - 780 Words

Standing my ground, I told her, â€Å"I haven’t experienced a mental hiccup, furthermore, as an artist I didn’t need to partake in drugs or intoxicating beverages for inspiration.† Our belligerent tà ªte-à  -tà ªte abruptly ends when the butler announces dinner. Silently we move into the formal dining-room and took our proper place at the table that seats twenty-two -Whitney at one end and I on the other. Before I had a chance to taste the Bouillabaisse, Whitney, in her typical audacious manner, began another attack. However, I’m not in the mood to play her ridiculous game. So, I excuse myself, stroll to the Billiard room where I sat in front of the fire place and studied the colors of the flickering embers, while leisurely counting to a†¦show more content†¦After the funeral, I returned to my condo where I’m haunted by jagged memories. Be that it may, I pulled myself together Thursday afternoon, and half- heartily drove the twenty mile s to the office of my mother’s attorney, Jeremy Slick. Two seconds after I entered his office, he closed the door and bluntly says, â€Å"Homer, after you informed your mother of your future career choice she rewrote her will. Naturally, she intended to share this information with you after dinner on that ill-fated night.† Well, I’ll be damned! Evidently, Whitney’s silly game hasn’t ended. Instantly, I reassessed my poignant mood, sat there, stoically, without saying a word, and waited for Jeremy to continue. When my silence became too unbearable, Jeremy took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and straightforwardly says, â€Å"Either, you restore your life to the status quo ante or forfeit your inheritance.† â€Å"If I don’t – what then?† â€Å"Homer, your mother’s estate, estimated at 3.5 billion, would go to the J.C. West Academy of Fine Arts, for the creation of the Michelangelo Scholarship, awarded to students wi th exceptional artistic talent. Attached to the Scholarship is an addendum– if a recipient ever became a tattoo artist they must reimburse the Academy for the full cost of the scholarship. Now, Homer, ac-cording to your mother’s last wish, I must have your answer before you leave this office.†Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words   |  8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A  short story  like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.† In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words   |  3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words   |  5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill† and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding† written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words   |  7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words   |  7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol† by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl† by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words   |  6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,† the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events

Essential Drug List Medication Review Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(63) " statistically important benefit in hurting control \[ 12 \] \." Many malignant neoplastic diseases metastasize to cram specifically chest, prostate and Multiple Myeloma. Bisphosphonates and other systemic agents that inhibit osteoclast activity can forestall, cut down, and detain cancer-related and treatment-related skeletal complications in patients with both early and advanced malignances [ 1 ] . Patients with metastatic malignant neoplastic disease are at significant hazard for skeletal complications from bone metastases and bone loss ( osteoporosis ) , which is frequently treatment-related. We will write a custom essay sample on Essential Drug List Medication Review Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Skeletal complications of bone metastases, frequently referred to as skeletal-related events ( SREs ) , include break, skeletal instability/loss of skeletal unity, spinal cord compaction, the demand for surgery or radiation therapy for a diagnostic bone metastasis, and hypercalcaemia..These are normally associated with lytic lesions. Bisphosphonates have become an built-in constituent of malignant neoplastic disease intervention in patients who have metastatic bone disease. Bisphosphonates cut down the morbidity of metastatic bone disease, chiefly by diminishing the prevalence of SREs [ 1,2 ] . In add-on, bisphosphonates are widely used for the bar and intervention of bone loss ( osteoporosis ) , both treatment-related and non-treatment-related.This includes the osteoporosis associated with aromatse inhibitors. Bisphosphonates decrease bone reabsorption and increase mineralization by suppressing osteoclast activity [ 1,3 ] . There are two categories of bisphosphonates, non-nitrogen containing and N containing, with slightly different effects in killing osteoclast cells. The N incorporating bisphosphonates are more powerful osteoclast inhibitors. Etidronate, clodronate, and tiludronate are non-nitrogen incorporating bisphosphonates, and the N incorporating bisphosphonates include pamidronate, Fosamax, ibandronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid. Bisphosphonates have a direct apoptotic consequence on osteoclasts, affect their distinction and ripening, and thereby move as powerful inhibitors of bone reabsorption. In presymptomatic theoretical accounts, the bisphosphonates have besides been shown to act upon macrophages, gamma delta T cells, bone-forming cells, and tumour cells. In add-on to their effects on osteoclast suppression, bisphosphonates may besides hold antitumor and/or antiangiogenic effects, but this is a controversial country. Probes are ongoing to better specify the clinically relevant effects of bisphosphonates in patients with malignant neoplastic disease [ 4,5 ] Quality of grounds and Clinical efficaciousness: Definition of Skeletal Related Events: – Vertebral breaks Other breaks e.g. ribs New osteolytic lesions Spinal cord compaction Need for radiation therapy Need for surgery Pain Change in anti neoplastic regimen to handle bone hurting Breast malignant neoplastic disease – For patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease and bone metastases, bisphosphonate therapy can forestall and/or hold skeletal complications, and extenuate bone hurting. A survival benefit has non been shown. In adult females with metastatic chest malignant neoplastic disease without clinically apparent bone metastases, bisphosphonates do non cut down the incidence of skeletal events. Consequently, therapy with bisphosphonates is recommended to get down after the designation of osteal metastases, unless as portion of a clinical test. The first surveies were done in the 1990ties and reported in the early 2000.For metastastic chest malignant neoplastic disease the hazard of a skeletal event is about 64 % at 2 old ages. This can be reduced to 33 % with pamidronate and to 20 % with zoladronic acid [ 6 ] . A meta-analysis of nine tests, which included 2189 adult females with metastatic chest malignant neoplastic disease and bone metastases, showed that endovenous bisphosphonates ( pamidronate and zoledronic acid ) reduced the hazard of developing a skeletal event by 17 per centum ( comparative hazard, RR 0.83 ; 95 % CI 0.78-0.89 ) [ 7 ] . A meta-analysis of tests that used unwritten bisphosphonates ( clodronate and ibandronate ) showed a decrease in the hazard of developing a skeletal event by 16 per centum ( RR 0.84 95 % CI 0.76-0.93 ) [ 7 ] . Bisphosphonates can besides forestall treatment-related bone loss in adult females having chemotherapy or aromatase inhibitors for chest malignant neoplastic disease. In add-on, betterments in disease free endurance and chest malignant neoplastic disease return seen in some accessory therapy tests in which adult females received hormone therapy plus a bisphosphonate compared to hormone therapy entirely suggest possible antitumor effects. However, the consequences of extra clinical tests are needed before it can be concluded that bisphosphonates better chest malignant neoplastic disease results. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease – Bisphosphonates have been studied in work forces with advanced prostate malignant neoplastic disease to detain or forestall the complications of skeletal patterned advance ( breaks, need for radiation therapy, hypercalcaemia, spinal cord compaction, hurting ) , to forestall the development of bone metastases, and to protect against the bone loss associated with androgen want therapy ( ADT ) . The consequences of randomised clinical tests and experimental surveies in patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease bone metastases indicate that the effectivity of different bisphosphonates varies well [ 8,9 ] . The strongest informations back uping benefit for bisphosphonates is with zoledronic acid, which is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) for usage in prostate malignant neoplastic disease in work forces with bone metastases who are come oning on endocrine therapy. The European Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products has approved zoledronic acid for all work forces with prostate malignant neoplastic disease and bone metastases. The benefit of zoledronic acid in work forces with bone metastases from prostate malignant neoplastic disease is supported by a test in 643 work forces bone metastases that were come oning while on ADT [ 10 ] . Work force were indiscriminately assigned to one of two doses of zoledronic acid ( 4 milligram or 8 milligram ) or placebo, each given every three hebdomads. The 8 milligram dosage of zoledronic acid was reduced to 4 milligrams early in the test because of inordinate nephritic toxicity. At an mean followup of 24 months, there was a important decrease in the frequence of SREs in work forces having zoledronic acid compared to placebo ( 38 versus 49 per centum ) , and the average clip to develop an SRE was significantly longer with zoledronic acid ( 488 versus 321 yearss ) [ 11 ] . Pain and analgetic tonss were significantly higher in work forces who received placebo than in those who received zoledronic acid, but there were no differences in disease patterned advance, public presentation position, or quality-of-life tonss among the groups. A 2nd placebo-controlled randomized test with zoledronic acid besides demonstrated a statistically important benefit in hurting control [ 12 ] . You read "Essential Drug List Medication Review Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" In contrast to these consequences with zoledronic acid, tests with clodronate have yielded ambiguous consequences [ 13 ] , and two tests with pamidronate have failed to specify a statistically important benefit in footings of SREs or trouble control [ 14. Prevention of bone metastases – Given that the prevailing site of metastases in prostate malignant neoplastic disease is the bone, and that some presymptomatic informations suggest an anticancer consequence of bisphosphonates, accessory usage of bisphosphonates has been studied in work forces with prostate malignant neoplastic disease but without metastatic disease. In the largest test turn toing this issue, in which 508 work forces with nonmetastatic prostate malignant neoplastic disease were indiscriminately assigned to clodronate or placebo, there was no lessening in the incidence of bone metastases ( 80 events versus 68 events with placebo ) [ 19 ] . High-potency bisphosphonates have non been studied in this scene. Multiple myeloma The efficaciousness of bisphosphonates in multiple myeloma was ab initio evaluated in a survey in which 377 patients with phase III multiple myeloma and at least one lytic lesion were treated with antimyeloma therapy plus either placebo or pamidronate ( 90 milligram ) as a four-hour endovenous extract given every four hebdomads for nine rhythms [ 15 ] . The proportion of patients who had any skeletal events ( diseased break, irradiation of or surgery on bone, and spinal cord compaction ) was significantly lower in the pamidronate group ( 24 versus 41 per centum ) . Pamidronate therapy was besides associated with a important decrease in bone hurting. [ 15 ] . Recent grounds has shown a survival advantage every bit good Morgan et al 2010 MRC Myeloma IX survey randomise controlled survey [ 18 ] . Lancet 2010 10 ; 62051 1970 patients enrolled: 1960 eligible for purpose to handle analysis: 981 in the zoladronic acid group:979 in the clodronic acid group In both groups there was an initial subdivision into those patients who received intensive chemotherapy with the purpose to handle with organ transplant. This was followed by another subdivision into the zoledronic acid and clodronic acid groups Median intervention with bisphosphonate was for 350 yearss Median follow up was for 3.7 old ages Zoledronic acid reduced mortality by 16 % V clodronic acid HR 0.84 95 % CI 0.74-0.96 p=0.0118 Drawn-out average overall endurance by 5.5 months ( 50 minute V 44.5 p=0.04 ) Increase PFS by 2.0 minutes ( 19.5 vs 17.5 months ) 12 % addition HR 0.88 95 % CI 0.88-0.98 p=0.0179 ONJ rate was 4 % with zoledronic acid and 1 % with clodronic acid Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy is recommended for patients with multiple myeloma and any of the followers: †¢ Lytic devastation of bone or spine compaction break from osteopenia on field radiogram or imagination surveies †¢ Osteopenia on bone mineral denseness surveies but no grounds of lytic bone devastation †¢ Pain due to osteolytic disease †¢ As an adjunct to radiation therapy, anodynes, or surgical intercession to stabilise breaks or impending breaks Similar consequences were obtained in a randomised, double-blind stage III test in 1648 patients with advanced multiple myeloma or chest malignant neoplastic disease [ 16 ] . Patients were indiscriminately assigned to have one of two different doses of zoledronic acid ( 4 or 8 milligrams administered IV over 5 or 15 proceedingss ) or pamidronate ( 90 milligram IV over two hours ) ; extracts were repeated every three to four hebdomads for 12 months. All participants received a day-to-day 500 milligram Ca addendum and 400 to 500 IU of vitamin D throughout the survey. The undermentioned findings were noted: †¢ The proportion of patients with at least one skeletal event during the first 13 months of the survey, and the average clip to the first event ( 12 months ) was similar in all three intervention groups. †¢ The proportion of patients who required curative bone irradiation was significantly lower in the zoledronic acid 4 milligram group compared with pamidronate both in the full group ( 15 versus 20 per centum ) , and in adult females having endocrine therapy for chest malignant neoplastic disease ( 16 versus 25 per centum ) . †¢ Both agents were every bit good tolerated, and the most common inauspicious events were bone hurting, sickness, weariness, and fever. Although 12 per centum of patients having 4 milligram of zoledronic acid over a five-minute period developed impairment of antecedently normal nephritic map, an addition in the extract volume to 100 milliliter, and lengthening the extract clip to 15 proceedingss reduced the incidence of nephritic disfunction to the same degrees as with pamidronate ( 8 and 9 per centum, severally ) . Long-run informations ( 25 months of followup ) showed tantamount nephritic effects ( alterations in creatinine ) for zoledronic acid 4 milligram over 15 proceedingss and pamidronate over two hours [ 13 ] . †¢ The 8 milligram dosage of zoledronic acid had an intolerably high incidence of nephritic toxicity at both extract times ( 18 and 20 per centum ) , and was hence discontinued. In contrast, monthly endovenous ibandronate ( Bondronate ® ) , a high authority bisphosphonate, has non been associated with decreased skeletal-related events in patients with myeloma. In a randomised test, 214 patients having conventional chemotherapy for phase II or III myeloma were indiscriminately assigned to have ibandronate ( 2 milligram IV monthly for 24 months ) or placebo [ 16 ] . Neither the rate of happening, nor the clip to first skeletal-related event differed significantly between the two groups. However, the dosage of ibandronate may hold been excessively low ; others have shown efficaciousness for 6 milligrams but non 2 milligrams monthly doses in patients with metastatic chest malignant neoplastic disease [ 17 ] . Safety concerns: Therapy with bisphosphonates is by and large good tolerated. The most common complications are acute stage reactions, optic redness, nephritic inadequacy, electrolyte instability, and osteonecrosis of the jaw ( ONJ ) . Osteonecrosis of the jaw can be mitigated with dental hygiene programmes before the start of the intervention with bisphosphonates, and by the usage of contraceptive antibiotics during intervention. [ 19 ] . The acute stage reaction, a flu-like syndrome frequently with febrility, icinesss, myodynia and arthralgias, may happen, in some grade, in about 50 per centum of patients. When it occurs, it is typically within the first 48 hours of extract and is self limited within 24 to 48 hours. Premedication with Datril or non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs may assist [ 8 ] . On subsequent dosing, the hazard of the acute stage reaction and its strength lessenings. Bisphosphonates can be associated with other inflammatory reactions including phlebitis and optic toxicities such as pinkeye, uveitis, scleritis, and orbital redness. Ocular redness frequently requires a formal ophthalmologic rating and farther intervention with the piquing bisphosphonate is frequently non recommended [ 8 ] . The nephrotoxicity of bisphosphonates is both dose- and infusion time-dependent, and nephritic map should be monitored on a regular basis in patients being treated with these agents. Nephritic toxicity can be reduced by detecting recommended extract continuances, optimising hydration prior to bisphosphonate therapy and avoiding coincident nephrotoxic medicines. Serum Ca, Mg, and phosphate should be measured on a regular basis during therapy. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation – If there are no contraindications, patients having bisphosphonates should have Ca and vitamin D supplementation. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation decrease the hazard of bisphosphonate-induced hypocalcaemia and are of import to keeping bone wellness. For these grounds, many of the clinical surveies look intoing the bisphosphonates for metastatic bone disease incorporated Ca and vitamin D supplementation as portion of the intervention regimen, and supplementation may be needed to retroflex the results seen in these surveies. In add-on, patients with chest malignant neoplastic disease are at hazard for vitamin D lack. In a reappraisal of 321 chest malignant neoplastic disease patients treated with bisphosphonates for either low bone mass or for metastatic disease, over 50 per centum were vitamin D deficient [ 9 ] . Persons with vitamin D lack are at increased hazard for hypocalcaemia, a known side consequence of bisphosphonate therapy How to cite Essential Drug List Medication Review Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, April 23, 2020

There appears to be a multitude of underlying problems that are consuming the HBS department Essay Example

There appears to be a multitude of underlying problems that are consuming the HBS department Essay The department is understood to be the worst in the factory with claims and evidence of bad attitude, poor atmosphere, low motivation and low job satisfaction. Over the past eight years a high turnover of six managers has occurred. This was accompanied with managers not meeting or being told of production targets and usually with high level of wastage. HBS have many interpersonal/intergroup problems within the department. This is not only confined to within inter and intra parts of the packing and production staff but also between the supervisors of both the teams. This is confirmed with the large amount of time consumed by the department manager resolving conflict between both the supervisors in the packing and manufacturing department. The average amount of time consumed by conflict being 25% in private sector and 50% in public (Harvey and Brown, 2001) Although in this case it looks like more than 25% of the managers time is being spent on conflict. We will write a custom essay sample on There appears to be a multitude of underlying problems that are consuming the HBS department specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on There appears to be a multitude of underlying problems that are consuming the HBS department specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on There appears to be a multitude of underlying problems that are consuming the HBS department specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although as we will discuss shortly some conflict may actually be healthy as in the interactionist approach it is apparent that too much may actually provide what G.Morgan terms as dysfunctional energy. Badly handled competition between the two supervisors is also a problem. It is very common for the production department to ignore requests, concerns from packaging and proceed in increasing and meeting production targets with the comment its my job to produce sweets This kind of behavior would also be common with what is termed sub optimization. Sub-optimization usually has a negative effect for the organization as a whole as the department is driving to maximum it own goals rather than that of the organization. This can be seen in the xy activity used by C.Oswick. The lack of communication is also apparent. Despite being a highly interdependent department it appears that little communication occurs among and between each departments staff at ground level and also at senior. Much of the Packaging staff are imbedded in interpersonal conflict and the production staff communicate very rarely among even themselves. Dissatisfaction among its manufacturer side of the department has also risen through the misunderstanding and incorrect implementation of the pay structure regarding the job grading scheme. Despite this scheme enabling the employees to be trained in up to 40 different lines of production, many of the skills learnt depreciate due to lack of usage with the supervisor usually tending to assign staff to the areas they perform best at. Staff as a result are becoming increasingly bored with their lack of job differentiation. It also appears that staff are unhappy at what they call Impossible Levels of production being asked of them. This results in more waste as described in research by W.F Whyte in money and motivation which we will discuss later. Finally on a more practical level there also appears to be problems with the age of machinery. Breakdowns appears to be regular which is damaging to production and will render the packaging department useless. THE DIAGNOSIS OF THE CAUSES There would appear to be several key factors with many interlinked and the main causes being: lack of communication, mishandled competition, inter-group conflict, role conflict, role ambiguity, sub-optimization and inter-group relationships. One of the major problems affecting organizational effectiveness is the amount of dysfunctional energy expended in inappropriate competition and fighting between groups that should be collaborating (Beckhard 1969) As we can see from the quote above conflict can cause plenty of dysfunctional energy. The major example of this would be the conflict between both the supervisors of the department. More energy is being spent on conflict about such things as power imbalance, role ambiguity than actually listen to the problems at ground floor level. This also effects management effectiveness as much of his work capacity is consumed by trying to solve conflict. Other determinants that interlink or promote growth of conflict would be role ambiguity and sub-optimization. Sub-optimization occurs when A group optimizes its own sub goals but loses sight of the larger organization goals. (L.J Mullins) This is currently occurring between the packaging and production department and is underlined by the production department having a power imbalance over the packaging department. They are able to adjust production speeds to their liking and so therefore determine output and meet their own targets. However this currently is without any consideration regarding the packaging department who are not always able to manage the larger output from production. Although production are meeting their targets for their subgroup they are actually hindering the company as packaging are unable to pack the products efficiently as they are unable to cope with the sheer volume. This therefore causes conflict between both supervisors. Role ambiguity also plays a key role in conflict caused. Role ambiguity exists when an individual or the members of the group are not clear about their functions, purposes and goals within the organization (Rosenfeld 1999) This is certainly arising within HBS department as many of the employees dont know their targets for production, only simply that they have to produce. Much of the department is also operating without feedback, this causes ambiguity as they are not being reassured about their functions and purposes. This as well as causing conflict will prove to be a de-motivating factor among the work force. Communication and co-operation is also a key problem. Many of workers are rarely communicating with each other on the production line and there are many interpersonal problems among the packaging staff. The unwillingness of the supervisors to listen or co-operate with workers for example the fact they havent listen to staff wanting to give advice from the floor or their desire of afternoons with less work load. The fact that the production supervisor isnt asking or knowing the workers threshold of production and is pushing the staff to unachievable levels of production it is resulting in the larger amounts of wastage. Research from W.F Whyte (Money and motivation) shows that factory workers have incredible guile. He determines that they are able to control many aspects of their work even under close supervision. He also talks of how many workers were able to actually cause damage to products on purpose when they are asked to work too fast a pace. This maybe one of the reasons for the high wastage at HBS Also with the staff not in frequent and constructive communication with supervisors the production feel that they can actually handle and manage the job better than the supervisors and management. This in turn has induced the workers to actually act as gatekeepers of information (Oswick and Grant 1996) this allows them to control the flow of any type of information from the production floor and detach themselves from any responsibility when things go wrong. THE RECOMMENDED PRESCRIPTION Now that we know that conflict is one of the key factors of the problems among HBS we need to start implementing techniques and changes to help address the situation. Conflict arises whenever interests collide (G.Morgan) this statement by Morgan helps us understand that several problems are caused by colliding interest. Clearly we see this with the supervisors. There are many ways in which to solve, reduce or turn conflict into a positive factor. First we must understand there are two main style approaches toward management of conflict. Firstly there is the traditional approach to conflict (Table1). This approach sees conflict as avoidable and caused by troublemakers. This is the view currently being taken by the production supervisor who wanted to get rid of the trouble makers. Under the current situation I would imply it would be over the top as it could be argued he is also a trouble maker in regards to the situation. If management were to undertake this more traditional approach large quantities of the staff would have to either leave, or be transferred with at best the conflict being solved at present but with never actually solving its root cause. This method was a great concern for Miller and Friesen (1984) who support the adoption of more proactive and anticipatory methods In this situation I would suggest a more interactionist approach to conflict (Table1) This accepts that some conflict among the organization is inevitable and is more down to the structural factors rather than troublemakers. A well managed amount of conflict can offer many advantages. It keeps people on their toes, nothing becomes too routinized and the organization isnt as resistant to change. It can also provide a basis for better decision making as there is a possibly a more diverse amount of ideas and also no ready made solution. From figure1 we see that there is a supposed optimal level of conflict and performance, it is important that the manager finds the correct level as slipping to a higher level of conflict would bring them back to the situation they are currently suffering. Training for management/supervisors should be given if required. Structure is also very important and is something I suggest looking at before analyzing individuals and groups. As Daft 1995 says Structure can often be the cause of inter-group/personal conflict. HBS need to install or reinforce their structure. Currently little feedback is being given and there appears to be no actual common reward or goal between both sections. This alone will cause conflict among the two separate subgroups as currently they are not being given stimulus to work together. If the departments are given common goals then it is likely to bring about a reduction in conflict. This is supported by the famous C.Sherif study (1953) who promotes the use of superordinated goals. The superordinated goals I would promote in this case would be the production of finished quality sweets (After packaging) The reward system would enforce this. If the production of finished sweets meets given targets then staff could be rewarded financially Out of the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50,000 (Adams equity theory) This would also mean negotiation/co-operation of both supervisors as they would be accessed on the final product. So no matter how many sweets the production department produced it would also have to talk with packaging to produce an effective output. The power balance would also be reduced as packaging would now be a bigger determinate in the equation. Now if they dont work together no rewards will be gained. To support the recommendations we need to improve the communication and cooperation of the organisation. Much has been discussed about the negative effects that poor communication/cooperation has on effectiveness. What HBS must implement in accordance with above is: more interaction, more negotiation, and the frequency at which it takes place. This increases collaboration and integration between both departments. It also reinforces superordinated goals and brings about such advantages as increased motivation, commitment and self esteem. This increase of communication will also bring about the harvesting of new ideas. For instance staff are not happy with rotation during off peak and on peak times. On peaks times are hindered by other departments unskilled staff, which would actually hinder production as skilled staff are covering for their mistakes, hence higher wastage. With more communication cooperation a system could be devised to suit both staff and HBS. i.e. would they be happy being trained in both departments or would staff consider being more flexible in hours with some going part time or acting as floaters for peak time. More discussion with sales would also be advisable as management can plan staff levels for on peak and off peak times. All this can come about in a suitable manner with improved integration, cooperation and communication. This applies also to staff suggestions of less work in the afternoon as well as the implementation of the training system and general lack of rotation. With and discussion, possible compromise a solution to these problems can be sort and hopefully one which is acceptable to both parties. The above is also supported by research from Paul Lawrence, Jay Lorsch whose research showed that effectiveness was closely linked to the degree of integration and communication. Once the conflict has been reduce to manageable levels it is important that management continue to keep these levels in check. Regardless of their style successful management will always depend on their ability to read developing situations. The manager must be able to analyse interest understand conflicts and explore power relations so that situations can be brought under control. In figure 2 we can see the styles of negotiating conflict. Clearly management have largely been taking avoidance as an option and letting it occur. In future management need to address the best possible solution as each situation arises. I would suggest training the Kilmann model to management to address conflict more according in the future. These recommendations infused together will bring about manageable and positive conflict. This in turn will bring about reduction in wastage and also a chance to nurture and harvest staff ideas as well as being more responsive to change.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

ancient and medieval times essays

ancient and medieval times essays 2 million years ago, life on Earth for mankind was very different. Back then, technology as we know it did not even exist. Over the years, mankinds increased scientific knowledge has allowed him to increase the amount of personal luxuries, but not The first human beings may have appeared 2 million years ago, but they did not even discover fire until 1.5 million BC. From a purely technological standpoint, todays world far surpasses that of the old. All the comforts of modern technology are at our fingertips, and living outdoors is no longer a necessity, but a leisure activity. For most of us, entertainment is not a problem. Electronic video and computer games are readily available, as is 24-hour TV for a price. Foraging for food is reduced to a short trip to the supermarket, except for those who provide the said food. Of course, nothing comes for free, and the time which might have been spent hunting for food is spent working in offices and such. In a world of such plentiful knowledge, only incredibly advanced specialization, and an increased population, has allowed mankind to progress. With so many people, mankind has been forced to spread outwards in a desperate need to colonize new lands. With new technology, nothing is impossible, and even the barren wastes of the scorching desert or freezing artic are not unlivable. Even further outwards, the vast reaches of space beckon. All this colonization however, would be impossible without the help of technology for communication and transportation. With the invention of airplanes, flying halfway around the world in 10 hours is made possible. In stark contrast to all these wonders, prehistoric life before the invention of farming or herding was a constant struggle for survival. Hunting and foraging for food were daily activities which occupied most of the free time. Also, before all the advances in medical knowledge, d ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Fourth Grade School Supplies List In the fourth grade, students begin to establish a foundation for developing research skills, writing skills, and critical reading skills. The supplies listed here are typical of the tools students will use to learn fourth grade skills. As always, you should check with your teacher to determine the specific supplies youll need. No. 2 Pencils Students will go through many pencils and erasers in the fourth grade, so it is important to keep a full supply in the home.Eraser packs Dont be caught unprepared!Planner Time management skills are important for success in the fourth grade, as students often find homework assignments require a bit more organization and planning than ever before.Colored pocket folders Teachers often require separate folders for individual subjects.Binder In the fourth grade, subjects may be separated in a binder. Some teachers encourage students to keep time management aids in binders.Wide-ruled paper This type of paper is often required for essay assignments.Highlighters Students begin to use highlighters to mark important information on study sheets and notes.Red pens In the fourth grade, students may start to switch papers for grading. Red pens and pencils are used for grading other students assignments.Pencil box Its important to stay organized.Backpack Many schools require students to use clear backpacks. Pencil sharpener Youll need one for test day!Bookmarks Youll be reading more advanced books.Colored pencils Students begin to study geography in the fourth grade in much greater detail. Colored pencils will be used for maps and other projects.Ruler Students begin to work with graphs in the fourth grade. Geometry is also a subject students will explore in some depth.Flashcards Students begin to learn concepts in math such as order of operations. It is important for students to fully memorize multiplication tables.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Organizations and Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizations and Behavior - Essay Example However dealing with how organizations behave, it is necessary to see how the concept of leadership is in an organization. Leadership is all about the needs of the individuals of an organization. Leadership styles are mostly related to the situation in hand. They are used by considering the requirements of people involved and the particular challenges that the organization is facing. There are apparently six different leadership styles or approaches (Kotter and Cohen, 2002, p124). The first one is Visionary. This style is needed when an organization is looking for a new direction and its aim is to move people towards a new goal. Second one is coaching. This style deals with the development of individuals and showing how they can improve their performance and connects their aims to the aims of the organization. Coaching is best for organizations in which the workers who are initiative and want more professional development (Hatch, 2006, p19). Thirdly there is the Affiliate style. This style talks about team work and how a good connection between groups is important. This approach is important in improving and increasing team harmony and morale and improving communication or repairing any type of broken trusts within an organization. However too much praise can lead to poor performance as well. The fourth one is the Democratic style. This style deals with people’s knowledge and skills and introduces a commitment towards goals. However this style will fail in times of crises and in times of urgent decisions. The fifth style is Pacesetting. This style deals with the high standards of performance. The leaders want a perfect work and better and faster things. This style fails in if used too much hence it should be used sparingly. The final and sixth style is Commanding style. This style is also known as the military model. This is the most often used one but the least effective though. It deals with less praise and more criticism; it

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Bruxism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bruxism - Essay Example In one study, it was found that the level of pressure exerted on the teeth, gums and joints is as high as three times the forces experienced during normal chewing (Castaneda, 1992: 46). In the case of those individuals who experience bruxism primarily when they’re asleep, the condition may not be diagnosed until well after complications arise, making it essential that the signs and symptoms of bruxism be recognized by dental practitioners as a means of reducing the level of damage. In learning to recognize the condition from a dental standpoint, it is important to note one of the primary symptoms of extreme bruxers is significantly worn down tooth enamel. â€Å"Instead of a white enamel cover, one often sees the more yellowish and softer dentin. The back teeth of some chronic bruxers often lose their cusps and natural contours, appearing instead flat, as if they had been worked over with a file or sandpaper† (Nissani, 2000a). This wearing down of the enamel has the obvious consequences of leaving teeth more vulnerable to cavity-causing bacteria requiring greater need for bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures and sometimes even full dentures. â€Å"In one study, more than 75 percent of observed implant fractures occurred in patients with signs and histories of chronic bruxism. Hence, in cases of untreatable severe bruxism, the use of implants is strongly counterindicated† (Rangert et al, 1995). There are several other visible sy mptoms of bruxism as well. These include changes in appearance over time, as the teeth become shorter, bringing the chin and the nose closer together, and the overdevelopment of facial muscles, especially those most concerned with chewing. The causes of bruxism remain unknown. Stress is one important recognized factor in the development of the disorder, but other considerations may also play a part. In very young children, the disorder has a tendency to work itself out

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Effect of Uncle Toms Cabin Essay -- Uncle Toms Cabin Essays

The Effect of Uncle Tom's Cabin Seldom does a one work of literature change a society or start it down the road to cataclysmic conflict. One such catalytic work is Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852). It is considered by many, one the most influential American works of fiction ever published. Uncle Tom's Cabin sold more copies than any other previous fiction title. It sold five thousand copies in its first two days, fifty thousand copies in eight weeks, three hundred thousand copies in a year and over a million copies in its first sixteen months. What makes this accomplishment even more amazing is that this book was written by a woman during a time in history women were relegated to domestic duties and child rearing and were not allowed positions of influence or leadership roles in society. Legend holds that when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe in 1682 he said, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war". The impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin did more to arouse antislavery sentiment in the N orth and provoke angry rebuttals in the south than any other event in antebellum era. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), born Lichfeild, Connecticut, was the daughter, sister, and wife of liberal clergymen and theologians. Her father Lyman and brother Henry Ward were two of the most preeminent theologians of the nineteenth century. This extremely devout Christian upbringing, focusing on the doctrines of sin, guilt, atonement and salvation, had an undeniable impact in her writings. &nb... ... a disconnected view. Slavery was no longer a Southern issue that had no impact on the life of those in the north. Once a majority of the northern population became polarized against the institution of slavery it was only a matter of time before conflict came to a head. Differing views about the institution of slavery contributed to the growing rift between the north and south. This chasm became the American Civil War. Uncle Tom's Cabin gave a powerful and moving voice to the Abolition movement. It shook out of complacently northerners and southerners alike, and forced a nation to look within its collective soul at the horrors of slavery and moral contradictions of the institution itself. Stowe's novel demonstrates the absurdity and contradictions of slavery.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Business Report

It is specialized in the selling of clothing, home products and luxury food products. Indeed, the company concentrate itself on quality products for well off customers. It Is employing more that 85 81 3 person all over the world In 2014 and got a turnover retailer market. II. Findings A. Structure Over its development M&S has changed of structure. It became over the years, a flatter structure organization. Employees got more responsibilities that enable them to take quick decision. They must be prepared to explain and Justify the decision they take.In order to development that structure, M&S has given more importance to the development of employees ‘ careers by set up training and reviewing of skills in concussion session between employees. Moreover, employees are able to create a career planning profile that enables them to focus on their next target role. It shows how M is supporting the development of skills within the company. The aim of this strategy is to make evolve with out interruption the skills of employees and by this improve performance of the company.It brings benefits to both parts for they own development. By training and developing its staff well, Marks & Spencer is in a position to develop a competitive advantage over its competitors. M success is due to its guiding principles: Inspiration – generating new ideas that excite customers, enthuse people and enhance business. Innovation – focusing on continuous improvement, pushing boundaries and encouraging experimentation. Integrity – doing the right thing, not the easy thing; building trust and reinforcing our reputation.In Touch – understanding what's important to customers, the communities in which it works. M&S is also engaged a Policy of Equal Opportunities Policy in order to diversify employees. They promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment to ensure everyone equality of opportunity to achieve their potential. All employment decision is ob jective based on work criteria and individual merit. M&S try to maximize personal and commercial opportunities. M&S think that employees need to be well rewarded for the work.That's why they developed a reward package that's proven to attract, motivate and retain the best people. This package include: Pay – Checking salaries against other companies to make sure of the competitiveness of M&S. Moreover, extra performance is rewarded by increasing pay to recognize individual achievements. Employee discount: Every employee gets a 20 % discount on all in tore and online purchase. Holiday- Employees get a minimum of 28 days ‘statutory holiday per year. Bonus: M give out bonus when the company has good profit. Business Report As a world-leading cosmetic company of Australia and established in 1985, Jurlique has expanded its customers at a staggering rate recently. I have used its products for many years and am one of its loyal customers. Although Jurlique has conducted its businesses beyond Australia and gradually penetrated into many other countries, it neglects an imperative country that can contribute to boost its sales and profits significantly, namely China. Because Jurlique has not entered into Chinese market, every time I come back to China, my relatives and friends always will ask me to bring them its products. Therefore, I am thinking whether Jurlique can expand its businesses into Chinese market so that its loyal customers can purchase its products conveniently and easily. It is widely know that the most unique quality of Jurlique is its natural elements in products. Almost all the other cosmetic products contain various chemical compositions that may potentially have subtle negative influence on customers. However, Jurlique plants raw materials that its products need on its own and provides pure and natural materials for its products, so that these products are environmental friendly. Due to such unique character, Jurlique gradually attracts more and more loyal customers. Thus, for Jurlique, operating its businesses in China becomes increasingly necessary. With Chinese cheap labour, Jurlique can establish factory in China to manufacture its products. And with the assistance of excellent marketing strategies, there is no doubt that Jurlique can achieve huge success in Chinese market. Executive Summary Jurlique can select China to be its target country. As an emerging country, China has the highest GDP growth around the world. This situation means that there are numerous opportunities for various companies to conduct their businesses in this emerging market. Hence, Jurlique can profit from these numerous opportunities by operating its businesses there. Furthermore, owning the largest population around the world, there is no denying that China has significant potential for digesting the products of Jurlique. To be more specific, Chinese people are more affluent than before. It is universally acknowledged that during the economic crisis period, Chinese people contribute the most to continue flourishing luxury industry. And Chinese women lay more emphasis on their faces than before, thereby providing enormous opportunity for cosmetic industry. Consequently, China is an extremely appropriate choice for Jurlique to expand its business. Because Jurlique is a famous brand around the world and and belongs to high-end products. Therefore, it mainly targets its customers in China at affluent people. Although affluent people only account for small part of the whole Chinese people, due to the large population base, there are still a large number of Chinese people to spend money on its products. Jurlique can distribute its products in China mainly through two ways. The first one is online sales. The prevalent online shopping phenomenon in China can help Jurlique reach the most potential customer. The other one is set up counters in shopping malls, which is the most frequent places people go to buy cosmetics. Campaign Strategy It has been mentioned that the main potential customers of Jurlique are affluent women. And those women generally live in such big cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and so on. Therefore, Jurlique can start its business from the Chinese fashion city, namely Shanghai. It is widely known that Shanghai women usually spend more time and money than others on makeup. And then this company can gradually penetrate its business into other cities and take full advantages of Chinese market to expand its businesses, thereby achieving high profits. Undeniably, the giant influence of advertisement can not be ignored and therefore the first step of starting Jurlique's business should be effective advertising. Firstly, appropriate slogan should be made. Because the unique quality of Jurlique is its natural and pure raw material and the main function of its products is make women be beautiful and charming, the brand slogan can be â€Å"for your natural beauty†. As to advertisement, Chinese people should be its models in order to show people directly that products of Jurlique can beautify not only western people but also eastern people. In order to boost its sales effectively and smoothly, Jurlique should conduct some promotions in accordance with local culture. And the most effective promotional method should be advertising (Gabriel, Kottasz, Bennett, 2006). There are a host of ways can be used for advertising. The most effective one is TV advertising. To be more precise, there are numerous fashion programs on TV now and they attract a vast number of fashion people to be their audience. More importantly, some TV stations even specially set up a fashion channel to broadcast fashion related programs. As a consequence, by advertising on these channels, Jurlique can effectively and efficiently cover its target customers as many as possible. Additionally, Jurlique also can advertise on fashion magazines. These magazines have the same target customers as Jurlique and therefore can effectively and efficiently deliver its information to customers. Another advertising way is billboards. They generally should be established in subway station (Low, Mohr, 2000), because in China, the majority of white-collars who can be potential customers of Jurlique are prone to take subway when getting off work. During the time of waiting for trains, people usually have nothing to do. If there are some gorgeous billboards in front of them, they are inclined to staring at these billboards to appreciate their fabulous content. And them, these people may be motivated in large distance to buy the advertised products. In order to make Jurlique operate smoothly in China, this company also should consider the timeline and costs of its expansion. As to timeline, Jurlique can start its business from Shanghai. About several months later, its business can be expanded to Beijing, and then other big cities. Turning to cost, it is one of the most crucial parts for company, because it relates to its profits. For cosmetic business, advertisements usually occupy the most costs, because gorgeous and luxury advertising contents can contribute to consolidate its high-end position and the high price can offset increased cost in advertisement (Mitchel, 1985). As a result, Jurlique can allocate more money on advertising costs than other aspects. Business Report It is specialized in the selling of clothing, home products and luxury food products. Indeed, the company concentrate itself on quality products for well off customers. It Is employing more that 85 81 3 person all over the world In 2014 and got a turnover retailer market. II. Findings A. Structure Over its development M&S has changed of structure. It became over the years, a flatter structure organization. Employees got more responsibilities that enable them to take quick decision. They must be prepared to explain and Justify the decision they take.In order to development that structure, M&S has given more importance to the development of employees ‘ careers by set up training and reviewing of skills in concussion session between employees. Moreover, employees are able to create a career planning profile that enables them to focus on their next target role. It shows how M is supporting the development of skills within the company. The aim of this strategy is to make evolve with out interruption the skills of employees and by this improve performance of the company.It brings benefits to both parts for they own development. By training and developing its staff well, Marks & Spencer is in a position to develop a competitive advantage over its competitors. M success is due to its guiding principles: Inspiration – generating new ideas that excite customers, enthuse people and enhance business. Innovation – focusing on continuous improvement, pushing boundaries and encouraging experimentation. Integrity – doing the right thing, not the easy thing; building trust and reinforcing our reputation.In Touch – understanding what's important to customers, the communities in which it works. M&S is also engaged a Policy of Equal Opportunities Policy in order to diversify employees. They promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment to ensure everyone equality of opportunity to achieve their potential. All employment decision is ob jective based on work criteria and individual merit. M&S try to maximize personal and commercial opportunities. M&S think that employees need to be well rewarded for the work.That's why they developed a reward package that's proven to attract, motivate and retain the best people. This package include: Pay – Checking salaries against other companies to make sure of the competitiveness of M&S. Moreover, extra performance is rewarded by increasing pay to recognize individual achievements. Employee discount: Every employee gets a 20 % discount on all in tore and online purchase. Holiday- Employees get a minimum of 28 days ‘statutory holiday per year. Bonus: M give out bonus when the company has good profit.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Effects Of Alzheimer s Disease Essay - 1107 Words

Topic: The effects of Alzheimer’s disease General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. Thesis Statement: Alzheimer’s disease adversely affects the patient’s brain, behavior, and daily life. I. Introduction A. Attention Material: At some point in the sixth grade, early one morning, at around 3 a.m., I woke up to an eerie feeling. I felt as though someone was watching me, and to my surprise, someone was. I woke up to a perplexed face on my grandfather’s face. A baffled face that read, â€Å"Who is this person in my house, and why is she here?† Immediately I said, â€Å"Papa, it’s me! Big Baby (that’s what he called me), and in response he let out a big sigh of relief. Puzzled and disturbed, I called my mom and explained to her what had just happened. (I asked her what was going on and why had he just reacted in such a manner.) The following day, she sat me down to discuss what was going on. On that day, she told me that my grandfather had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and mixed dementia. B. Credibility Material: With my firsthand experience as the caregiver of an Alzheimer’s patient, as well as in depth research, I am able to tell you about the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. C. Relevancy Material: The information I will give you will help you notice the signs and symptoms of an Alzheimer’s patient. D. Preview of Main Points: Alzheimer’s disease adversely affects the patient’s brain, behavior, and daily life.Show MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease And Its Effects932 Words   |  4 PagesAlzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease is a mental disorder that catches up to many while in middle or old age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the most common cause of premature senility. What causes this disease? Experts believe that Alzheimer s develops as a complex result of multiple factors rather than any one overriding cause. 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